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What Are the Best Countries for Global Team Expansion?

What Are the Best Countries for Global Team Expansion?

Building remote teams and expanding your business operations internationally opens doors to new growth opportunities in the rapidly developing business markets around the world. Remote teams have gained popularity as a viable way of working for employees. It helps employers save cost around infrastructure and logistics and help employees achieve a healthy work-life balance. 

With remote team expansion, you can test your services in a new or unsaturated market, expand your brand identity, and even recruit talent and workforce for various business functions. In addition, team expansion in a new destination can help you build a more diverse equitable remote workforce. 

What Are the Best Countries for Global Team Expansion?

Any business enthusiast in search of talent and at the same time looking for cost-effective resources should consider these preliminary factors before choosing a destination for your remote team expansion. These are:

  • Availability of resources: When expanding your remote teams internationally,  it is important to look at the availability of talent and resources. How well do you understand the culture of the destination you choose? Is communication with your remote employees easy in a particular country? The destination you choose should offer options to answer these queries, recruit diverse talent, and build remote teams that work effectively for your organization’s growth. Local guidance from an International PEO or a local guide such as an Employer of Record can help you source talent locally.
  • Labor costs: It is an important consideration when looking to expand your team internationally. Skilled resources at affordable costs are necessary for your business operations. If the labor costs are too high, you can incur heavy costs on your expansion plans. 
  • Time difference: When choosing a destination understand its localization and time difference with your country. The destination you choose to build remote teams should be available in the convenient time zones for communication and to continue smooth business functioning with the neighboring regions and markets. For instance, India is the choice of destination for global business expansion in the APAC region.  It is also an attractive destination for larger markets looking for business opportunities such as the US, the UK, and China. You can refer to our guide to choosing the right destination for global team expansion for a better understanding.

Best Countries for International Remote Team Expansion

There are more than 100 countries to choose from for global team expansion. Evaluating the pros and cons of so many options can be overwhelming. In this article, we have listed the best countries for building remote teams. We have listed the countries which are considered by global business leaders such as China, the UK, and the US for expanding their remote teams internationally. The countries listed below are also the most attractive and favorable destinations in the APAC, Southern Eastern, or European markets. 


Remote team expansion has given business options to build global remote teams and tap newer markets. With team expansion in mind, Ireland stands out as an excellent alternative for businesses going global. Its favorable business climate, competent workforce, powerful digital infrastructure, and dynamic culture has made Ireland a growing business hub.

Ireland offers promising avenues for the trading of services, capital, goods, and labor in the European business marketplace. It has a stable economy and ranks third place on the Global Expansion Tech Index™.  Ireland is a welcoming, business-friendly country, making it an attractive destination for business investment. 

The business climate in Ireland fosters entrepreneurship and innovation which can streamline any remote operations. Its tech hub has brought business giants like Apple, Microsft, Facebook, and Google to build their centers in Ireland. The research, technology transfer, and highly tech-centric work environment provide numerous opportunities for remote team development in the digital workspace. The telecommunications industry and reliable high-speed internet connectivity have made collaboration and communication simpler for remote teams.  It is the 9th most connected city in the world as per the Global Connectivity Index by Huawei. 

It is the only entirely English speaking European country which offers numerous opportunities for hiring and recruiting talent for your remote teams. It provides professional benefits, good quality of life, and cultural attractions to remote employees. With easy-to-access resources, talent, social support, hospitable culture, and a high quality of life for your remote employees, Ireland is one of the top choices for any organization looking for a rewarding global remote team expansion.


One of the oldest states of Europe, Denmark, is known as one of the happiest countries in the world. Its unique geographic location makes it the best option to access the entire European market. Denmark has the most talented, skilled, educated, and multilingual workforce, which can be seen by its fifth place in the 2020 Global Talent Competitiveness Index. 

Denmark consistently ranks among the top English-speaking countries. Without any communication barriers, it is simpler to form multinational remote teams and communicate seamlessly. Denmark has a non-standard labor market model called Flexicurity which is beneficial for both the employers and Danish citizens. There is no pre-imposed or statutory minimum wage applied in Denmark. Companies can engage and manage remote workers while complying with labor laws and regulations and providing flexible working hours and conditions. Without any communication barriers, it is simpler to form multinational remote teams. 

Apart from the cost-effective labor market, Danish businesses are known for prioritizing cooperation, open communication, and developing a sense of equality among team members. The country emphasizes work-life balance, a strong social welfare system, high-quality healthcare, and developing a productive remote work environment in the country. In fact as per the Worksome Report 2020 on Remote work in Denmark, around 40% of Danish companies had already switched to remote working and had strong remote work practices before the COVID-19 pandemic. These employee-centric remote work policies and business-friendly cultural mentality encourage organizations to build and manage remote teams in Denmark. 

Regarding business options, Denmark is considered the thriving technology and innovation hub of the Europian Market. It has a well-developed digital infrastructure, with dependable high-speed internet connections and ubiquitous technological access. The Danish ecosystem is home to the best robot and drone testing facilities whose applications are witnessed in diverse fields such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and so on. In addition, there are massive developments in the computer science field and programming languages such as visual prolog, C++, and turbo pascal which make Denmark an ideal IT and software development hub.

Infrastructure support, low labor costs, a high level of digitization, and access to the European market make Denmark one of the most profitable destinations for international team expansion.


Every company has different business needs for its remote teams. Political stability, economic growth, quality of life for employees, and growth opportunities are a few factors considered when looking at a country for building remote teams. One such country that ranks at the top in almost all these factors is Canada. It is the closest neighbor to the US market as well as British and EU markets across the Atlantic, making it a welcoming business destination for foreign companies. Canada ranks at the top on the Best Countries List 2021, projected by the US News and World Report. 

Canada has one of the most stable economies and a diverse business market making it a reliable destination for remote business operations. The Canadian government encourages remote team expansion through its programs and initiatives. For instance, The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Programme provides opportunities for talented workers from rural regions to access remote employment possibilities and strengthen Canada’s remote work ecology. 

Hiring remote employees in Canada is easy as the country offers a diverse and reliable skilled workforce. It prioritizes skill development and training and provides opportunities for lifelong learning and worker skill-building support. Canada has one of the highest educational attainment rates in the world and more than 56% of its population holds a post-graduation degree. This highly educated workforce and skilled labor provide the necessary support for building remote teams in any of the business sectors.  

The majority of the Canadian workforce is bilingual and has proficiency in French and English. This quality makes virtual team building and communications seamless in comparison to other international remote markets. The unique marketplace diversity, employee benefits, and government support play an important role in making Canada an attractive destination for global team expansion.


With the new age of technology and rapidly growing design industry, Mexico has become an emerging destination for remote team building, particularly for Latin America. Though Mexico observed slow growth in the past 3 decades, it has become one of the top hubs for business, especially startups. 

Mexico has an extensive and increasing pool of skilled individuals in a variety of industries. The country has an excellent educational system that produces graduates with skills in technology, engineering, finance, marketing, and other fields. Over 30,000 engineers graduate annually in Mexico. The labor costs in Mexico are lower in comparison to the US market. Employers from various industries can recruit remote employees at low prices while maintaining a high level of talent. The availability affordable and highly qualified manufacturing and design workforce and talented personnel make it easy to recruit qualified employees for remote teams.  

The Mexican government initiatives have encouraged the development of the technology and outsourcing industries. Telecommunications, infrastructure, transportation, and IT sectors have bolstered in the country. All the major cities have dependable high-speed internet that allows remote teams to operate and communicate remotely irrespective of their location.  

With its rich cultural past, stunning scenery, and favorable climate, Mexico offers an enticing quality of life. This acts as an attraction for professionals looking for a healthy work-life balance leading to increased employee satisfaction and retention in your remote working environment. Advanced design and manufacturing sectors, growing IT industries, and an easygoing and friendly business culture make Mexico one of the top choices for global remote team expansion. 


When looking to build remote teams in the Asian market, Korea is considered to be a favorable destination. The home of Samsung town is situated among the two best business powers, Japan and China. Though off the radar for business with the UK, it is one the best business destination for APAC countries. 

Its effective laws, transparent and compliant services, government support, and vibrant business market has made Korea climb to the top of the business destination list. 

Seol in Korea ranks highest for its fiber optic penetration and super-fast internet speed in the world. Its accelerating internet services, advancing technologies, and business acumen make it a future-proof country for remote business in comparison to other Western countries. It allows seamless fire transfer, online operations, and virtual team building in a remote environment. Modern coworking spaces with high-speed internet, ergonomic workstations, and cutting-edge conference rooms are made available throughout the major city. In addition, a well-developed transit network allows easy access inside cities and to rural places, allowing for in-person team meetings when necessary. 

Korea has well educated, eager-to-learn, and hard-working population, which makes international hiring easy for foreign companies. Koreans typically rate high in digital literacy measures and are tech-savvy. This high degree of digital literacy facilitates easy onboarding, decreasing training time and thereby increasing overall productivity in remote team operations. The high-tech and resilient economy with geeky consumers has made Korea a favored IT hub for companies such as P&G, Microsoft, Loreal, Motorola, and eBay. 

Korean business culture values collaboration, timelines, and respect. These business etiquettes, culture, and increasing IT sector make Korea an ideal place for building remote teams and also an attractive destination for international team expansion. 


The Philippines is one of the popular destinations due to its trade and financial globalization. The Philippine economy is one the fastest growing among the Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN). 

The Philippines holds a highly educated workforce and has a literacy rate of more than 95%. This linguistic advantage enables productive collaboration and communication with clients from English-speaking nations. The highly trainable and flexible workforce of the Philippines has attracted a number of businesses to build their remote teams, particularly in the Information and Communications Technology-Business Process Outsourcing (ICT-BPO) services. The Philippine BPO industry contributes about 10-15% of the global BPO market. The business operation outsourced are not limited to HR and finance and extend to animation, gaming, software development, data mining, and so on.

In comparison to other countries, the Philippines provides substantial cost advantages, making it an appealing site for remote team operations. Because of the reduced cost of living and favorable exchange rates, companies can obtain top-tier talent at competitive prices. As per the A.T. Kearney Global Services Location Index, the Philippines routinely ranks among the top outsourcing locations globally. 

The Filipino culture has a strong work ethic and a “malasakit” culture, or genuine concern for others, which results in a harmonious and cooperative remote work environment. This cultural compatibility enhances remote team building and attention to attaining organizational goals increasing the overall effectiveness of remote team operations.

As remote working becomes mainstream across the globe, it has boosted the number of gig workers and freelancers. This Filipino gig economy has encouraged US organizations, European companies, and also its immediate neighbors such as Japan, Australia, and New Zealand to expand their remote teams in the Philippine market. The steady economic growth, high employment opportunities, and a competitive business industry make the Philippines one of the best countries for global team expansion.


Singapore is a popular destination due to its remarkable infrastructure, strong economy, and political stability. With a business-friendly environment and its openness to foreign investments, Singapore bagged the top spot on the 2020 Global Expansion Tech Index. Singapore has one of the best IT infrastructure, telecommunications, and internet facilities. As per the Speedtest Global Index 2021, Singapore ranks second in the world in terms of broadband speed and first in internet speed. 

Singapore is home to one of the largest English speaking, skilled and educated workforce in the world. The country has a world-class education system that produces remote employees skilled in sectors such as technology, communication, data research, finance, marketing, and engineering. It has a high growth rate in comparison to the US which brings numerous business enthusiasts for remote team expansion. MNCs and SMEs have identified Singapore as a prime portal to take build remote teams in the South East Asian markets including India, Malaysia, and China. Companies such as Google and LinkedIn have established their headquarters in Singapore to connect with other APAC countries and focus on global team expansion. Additionally, strict anti-corruption laws, large technological advancements, favorable immigration systems, High tech connectivity, and a competitive business market makes Singapore an attractive business destination for remote team expansion for SMEs, startups, or even MNCs.


Thanks to continuous development and growth, India has emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The cultural diversity, compliant laws, and plethora of business opportunities have taken the attention of many foreign investors. 

Favorable FDI policies in India have made it easy to build remote teams in India in major industries such as Lifesciences, agriculture, E-commerce, communication, transport, food processing, healthcare, and many more. India fulfills over 50% of the global demand for vaccines along with 40% of the generic demand in the US, and 25% of all medicines in the UK. As per the Pharma Vision 2020, the Department of Pharmaceuticals of the Indian government plan to make India a leading hub for end-to-end drug discovery and research. This provides opportunities for pharmaceutical and research industries to build remote teams in India

India has become a powerhouse for high-tech companies in telecommunications, data analytics, Information Technology, and the engineering sector. The basic amenities such as the cost of infrastructure, other logistics, and electricity are cost-effective in India in comparison to other countries. These cost-effective amenities along with a large consumer market make India an affordable destination for remote team expansion.

Speaking about talent, India is home to a large skilled talent pool and career-focused youths that offer experienced specialists and resources to any business looking to hire internationally and build remote teams. The employee-friendly business culture and additional benefits such as provident funds, insurance, medical facilities, public holidays, and so on are additional advantages that the Indian business culture provides to foreign companies doing business in India. 

Undoubtedly, Indian culture is considered to be a complex destination, considering the cultural and social differences. But the country offers various options for building remote teams in India. New business models such as International PEO and Employer of Record services have made it easy to hire resources and test the vibrant Indian business market. 

Final thoughts

You can build remote teams in any of these countries to enhance your global business footprint and for increasing your customer base. Each of these countries offers unique business opportunities, benefits, and challenges.

But still not sure where to begin your business expansion journey? Then aligning your business expansion objectives with an experienced partner like International PEO can be a better option for your team expansion. International PEO, as your local guide, helps you gauge the market, understand the cultural differences, and acquire the right resources. A PEO company can help you build your remote teams compliantly in the target destination and simplify your journey of International expansion. 

Remunance – the Right Partner for Your Team Expansion Plans

As an experienced PEO service provider, Remunance can help you expand your services in India. Our expert team can help you build networks, establish connections in the Indian marketplace and build remote teams with the right talent. Remunance effectively navigates the nuances of all the legalities and compliances, so that you can focus on core business objectives and competencies. Relying on Remunance’s services as your local partner, you can expect customized solutions to your HR, accounting, legal and administrative needs. With our roadmap to India, you can gain a competitive advantage in the market and develop a strong remote team in India. 

To understand how an International PEO can make a difference in your business expansion plans, you can go through our case studies. Our case studies showcase the diversity of our clients and the host of services offered for their business operations in India. Feel free to reach out to us and understand the range of services we can provide for your business plans. 


This blog is made for information purposes. Everybody is requested to get advice from an expert before making a decision based on the information given in the blog. Remunance disclaims any liability/loss or damage caused by using the information, directly/indirectly, given in this blog.

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