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Guidelines to Hire EOR Employees in India

Guidelines to Hire EOR Employees in India

Recently, we surveyed our internal employer of record employees and gathered a sample from 20 client teams. One key finding in the survey is that 100% of the respondents had come across the PEO/EOR services for the first time before they joined Remunance. We’ve prepared this blog from the survey and concluded based on the employees’ responses. 

Over the years, many overseas companies have entered India, considering it a significant location for their team building and expansion. One vital aspect is India has a large talent pool and global companies see it as an opportunity to gain competitive advantages. However, it won’t be easy for a foreign company to search for or find the right talent alone in such a vast country.  

Working with a local guide is the easiest choice for finding the right Indian talents. So, global companies often choose Employer of Record services to simplify their team-building process and ease business operations in the country. However, the crucial part of building an offshore team is how you understand their expectations or concerns and proceed to hire them accordingly.

This blog offers insights into how effectively you can address the concerns of EOR employees in India and the recruitment process to ensure smooth hiring. From the blog, you’ll learn the best and most assured ways to hire your Indian team quickly and engage with them effectively for smooth business operations. 

Addressing the EOR Employees’ Concerns at the Pre-employment State

Remote hiring, Indian talent, business expansion

Addressing the major hurdles of Indian talent before joining EOR services will help ease your EOR employees’ selection process in the country. As the service is new to many remote talent, they usually have questions and confusion on numerous fronts ranging from model awareness to the recruitment process to career growth opportunities.

Let’s understand each of the crucial questions/concerns of Indian talent before becoming EOR employees and explore how to address them. 

Unaware of the PEO/EOR Model

The lack of familiarity with the PEO/EOR model is a major hurdle that Indian talent faces when approached by an EOR service provider for remote job opportunities. Service unawareness often causes distrust and a lack of confidence among EOR employees. Explaining the service model extensively before the interview is the best way to clear their doubts.  

Questioning PEO/EOR Services Credibility

Since the service is new to remote candidates, they usually raise questions about the credibility of EOR services. This is also a result of awareness deficits of the EOR services to the candidates. Remunance takes extra precautions to educate them in every job meeting call.

Company Authenticity

 The remote candidates usually question the overseas company’s authenticity. This suspicion arises due to the lack of awareness about the company. It’s typically applicable in any remote work setup. They have questions regarding ethical business practices, personal data protection, and employee feedback. You can create the trustworthiness and transparency of your company by elaborating all points in detail and incorporating them in the job descriptions. 

Work Relevancy and Applicability

Many remote candidates doubt if their work contribution would be relevant and applicable as the Indian work environment could differ significantly. The candidates want to be informed thoroughly about the work culture and objectives to ensure the relevancy of their work contribution to the organization based in another country.

Sense of Isolation

In a remote work setup, employees usually face isolation due to the lack of physical interaction or work visibility. Many remote employees have concerns that the virtual work design could reduce their sense of belongingness and importance to the company.

Job Insecurity

 Indian remote workers have concerns about job security as their employment status also depends on the global economic situation. They often think about their job security due to the alarming concerns about the ongoing mass layoff, especially in the IT industry globally. The candidates want clear information about their employment tenure and fixed-paid notice period if they depart. 

Newness of the EOR Model

Several candidates have questions regarding the working design in the PEO/EOR industry. It’s because two companies are involved in the EOR model – the client company (overseas company) and the EOR service providers. Generally, the EOR employees receive two letters: an offer letter and a work assignment letter (which has detailed information about the projects/works required by the client company). The EOR service provider helps the client find a list of potential Indian remote candidates that match the job profiles. Then, the client company directly conducts the selection process and recruits the candidates.

Performance Evaluations

 Many remote candidates have concerns about the method of their performance evaluations. They are worried that the lack of proper communication in the remote work design may affect their regular performance evaluations and result in project termination instantly.

Understanding Indian Talent’s Expectations Toward the EOR Recruitment Processes

JD and Client Information

 Candidates want clear and detailed communication about the job descriptions (JD) and client information before the interview. This way, they can form an informed opinion on whether they want to appear for the interview. As per the survey, 70% of the respondents expressed that they were well-informed regarding JD and clients’ details. These candidates stated that they were completely aware of their job positions, roles & responsibilities, and ideas about clients before the interview. About 11.5% of the respondents had partial awareness of the details. A few of the respondents viewed that they weren’t well informed.

Interview Rounds

Asking about the interview rounds in the selection process, the respondents have diverse answers. A few employees have gone through as many as 5-6 interview rounds while many only appeared in fewer interview rounds. The majority of the respondents were in the 1-3 interview rounds. In this category, the highest number of participants (50 out of 122) underwent two interview rounds. Only one out of 122 experienced six interview rounds for the EOR employee selection process. Meanwhile, 14 candidates had the experience of 4-6 interview rounds in the selection process.

Interview Structures

 Although they have experienced different levels of interview rounds, they all felt the interview rounds had a balanced structure. A whopping 82% of the respondents stated that the interview rounds exactly happened as per their expectation — neither excessive nor insufficient. Surprisingly, 4.1% of the candidates viewed the selection process should be more rigorous as there were too few interview rounds. Those who experienced 4-6 interview rounds accepted that the interview structure was finely tuned to match the greater significance and complexity of their job position and roles.

Interview Feedback

Asking about the timeframe of their interview feedback, employees had different views. It took many employees more than two weeks to receive their interview feedback while others got the response within a day or less after the interview. So, the feedback timeline differs as per the nature of the job, assessment evaluation, and decision-making of the client company.As per the survey, 18% of the respondents acknowledged that they got prompt responses from the organization. They received the response on the day of their interview. They noted the swift response and effective communication process of the organization. Most employees (32.8%) heard back from the organization within 2-4 days. Those who received the feedback in 4-7 days comprised 21.35% of the respondents.

Timeliness of Feedback

Concerning the importance of effective communication, employees were asked about their expectations of feedback timeliness. We wanted to know whether the organization’s response fell short or exceeded employees’ expectations. According to the survey, 23% of the employees felt that the feedback response from the organization exceeded their expectations. They took the response positively and appreciated the organization’s efforts for effective communication. Around 60% of employees felt that the feedback response met their expectations. Only 2.5% of employees expressed their dissatisfaction with the feedback timeliness while 7.4% had mixed perceptions.

Satisfaction Level of Interviews

Concerning the overall satisfaction level of the employees toward the EOR recruitment process, their responses are overwhelmingly positive. A significant 87% of employees expressed that they were highly satisfied with the process, indicating their sense of contentment. About 10% of employees took a neutral stance in this regard, indicating a moderate level of satisfaction. The rest 3% highlighted their discontent with the overall interview process.Many respondents also shared ideas to enhance the recruitment process and ensure a candidate-friendly experience. Some suggestions include incorporating Zoom Meetings, adding the EOR model in JD, providing informative videos, clarifying tax-related processes, addressing salary negotiation transparency, and planning bank partnerships for salary accounts.

How Does Remunance Help Address the EOR Employees’ Concerns?

Remunance understands the Indian talent’s expectations and follows all necessary steps to address their concerns before joining the EOR services. At Remunance, we conduct thorough process reviews and upgrade our approach to attract and hire the right talent.

The crucial part of hiring a remote team in India is to gain their trust and confidence in the EOR services. For that matter, Remunance takes various initiatives to educate our potential EOR candidates by providing the correct information before their interviews.

Remote hiring, Indian talent, business expansion

EOR Model Awareness

The HR talent acquisition team of Remunance briefly explains the PEO/EOR model to the candidates when connecting for the job discussion. Before the final decision, Remunance allows the candidates to gather knowledge of the EOR services and company they will work with. As per the survey, 66% of the respondents said they received a briefing about the international PEO model before the interview. Within this group of 81, a notable 74% of respondents found that the briefing on the model was easy to understand. It shows that Remunance’s efforts to educate the candidates about the model have yielded positive results, contributing to a smooth understanding among a significant portion of respondents. However, nearly 5% of respondents found the model’s explanation difficult to understand and suggested the briefing could have been easier. This feedback signals an opportunity for Remunance to refine its communication strategy and clarify certain aspects of the model to enhance candidates’ overall understanding.

JD and Client Information

Remunance follows a proper channel for information dissemination to reach the most suitable candidates and allows them to make an informed decision about the interview. We offer clear and detailed communication about the job descriptions (JD) and client information to the candidates.


As we already know, one crucial aspect of successful team building and business operations in India is understanding the Indian workforce. Once you learn their concerns and expectations, you can devise a strategy to hire Indian talent effectively and retain them. You also need to know more about the hiring process, we’ve explained several tips for hiring top remote workers.

Remunance has a high reputation in the Indian PEO/EOR market, having helped more than 85 clients from 16 countries across the globe. Over the short time, we have hired over 800 Indian employees spreading across 34 cities. With our assistance as a local guide, you can simplify the recruitment process and get the right candidates in India without worrying about establishing a physical entity and regulatory compliance.

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