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Benefits of Remote Working

Benefits of Remote Working

Remote working introduced employees to the concept of being productive even from the comforts of their homes. Where Covid 19 pandemic forced organizations to resort to it, to ensure business continuity, it offered employees added benefits like flexibility. Thanks to the new business model, employees didn’t have to fight with traffic signal lights anymore. There were no more in-person longish official meetings or brushing of shoulders in competitive environments as well.

Undoubtedly, the biggest challenge faced by employees in India is the time spent traveling to work. The workforce in India spends 7% of their day traveling on average. In extreme cases, they may travel for two hours or more to offices. And if they pick up a job in a city like Banglore or Mumbai which is infamous for its chock-a-block traffic, that’s a different ball game together. Their other concern is the availability of jobs in Indian companies. As the number of engineers graduating every year is way larger compared to the job vacancies available in companies. So in such scenarios employees in India are always on the lookout for job opportunities either remotely or outside of their country. When these plights are addressed, they don’t only bring in their skill and expertise, but a deep-rooted desire to contribute to your company brand.

Taking advantage of this successful way of working, companies who want to hire talent from places where the company does not have an office have taken advantage of this work method. Globally EOR has made this route available to many foreign companies. An International PEO/ EOR(Employer of Record) understands that a good remote team serves as the foundation for your business expansion plans to India. Keeping this in mind, an EOR sources the right talent which will extend your company’s brand value to another country as well. Simultaneously ensuring the employee is given an ideal platform to contribute to.

Through this read, we aim to run you through the benefits of remote working for employees. Let’s read on to understand how remote working helps employees boost their productivity, improves employee retention, and offers an excellent work-life balance.

What is Remote Working?

In the past, most people traveled to their jobs. These days people like to take their jobs with them wherever they travel. Remote working has become synonymous with working from home or working from anywhere. Basically, remote working would require an employee to work from anywhere in the world except traditional offices or corporate buildings. These workstations can include any coworking, private or shared spaces, or even the comforts of their home.

Remote working has become the mainstream dream of many employees around the world, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. Employees would willingly sign up for anything outside their traditional working environments, as far as they’re backed up with a great network, technology, and most importantly the flexibility to work from anywhere and be able to collaborate with their teams virtually.

What Are the Benefits of Remote Collaboration?

Remote Work Improves Retention

When employees feel valued or appreciated in an organization, they are likely to refrain from absenteeism. Monday blues or midweek blues will become a thing of the past. Employees won’t force themselves to get out of their beds, but rather find a stimulus to work. Not subjecting them to micro-management gives them an environment to nurture and perform better. Ultimately, the work location flexibility offered to employees will result in reduced employee turnover and improved retention.

According to a report published by Buffer, 99% of employees would opt for remote working for the rest of their professional tenures if given the opportunity. Allowing employees to work remotely will make them stay willingly in your company for longer.

Remote Work Boosts Productivity

A survey conducted by the propriety tool happyness.me showcased that 59% of corporates and people from India do not enjoy working in their office spaces. The study suggests on organizations prioritize the employees’ happiness quotient in order to thrive.

Prolonged in-person meetings or daily commuting drains the energy levels of employees. Constantly adhering to lunch break timelines, hopping on to untimely and unscheduled client calls, staying in the office after work obligated to complete a task or to shoot an email. When all these obligations are subtracted from their lives, it gives them more room for better productivity. Remote work offers employees flexibility and this works largely in their favor to deliver better.

Good Work-life Balance

The world is growing competitive with every passing day. In order to stick into the rat race, every employee is expected to meet their deliverables by going above and beyond expectations. This leads to piling up their work stress and a desire for a better work-life balance. Remote hiring simply takes all the irrelevant stress and promotes a good work-life balance. Every employee especially in an Indian set up wishes to spend quality time with their family after work hours. So remote working provides them with an opportunity to have a personal life after work.

Remunance’s Way of Engaging With Remote Working

There is a section of employees who see more benefits in working from the office and they find remote working more bothersome. We, at Remunance, step in as the legal employer for your remote employees in India to strike a good balance. We undertake virtual employee engagement activities, and their employee-related responsibilities, like benefits, compliances, and taxes are checked. We provide complete HR and office infrastructure to the employees. We keep a tab on the changing HR policies and market trends and accordingly create a convenient environment for your remote employees.

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